Global List of Ineligible Persons

The Athletics Integrity Unit has jurisdiction over International-Level Athletes and their Athlete Support Persons, World Athletics Officials and Member Federation Officials (limited to their dealings with World Athletics). On this page we publish a consolidated list of all persons serving a period of ineligibility in Athletics. This includes persons serving a period of ineligibility as a result of national level cases and decisions.

Latest sanctions for Doping and Non-Doping Violations


Complete list of sanctions for Doping and Non-Doping Violations*


*The list of currently suspended persons was last updated on 1 February 2025. Please note that it is intended for information only and should not be relied upon from a legal perspective.

Show all Doping Non-Doping
Name Date of Birth Nationality Role Sex Discipline 1 Discipline 2 Infraction Date Sanction Ineligibile Until Disqualification Period Infraction Type ADRV Rules ADRV Notes Description
CHEPKOECH, Josephine -- KEN Athlete F Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 18/02/2024 7 years ineligibility (2nd ADRV) 06/05/2031 Since 18.02.24 Doping Presence
Exogenous Steroids after IRMS ( 5αAdiol, 5βAdiol) In competiton test, in Zurich Maratón de Sevilla, Sevilla, ESP
KOSGEY, Victor 22/03/1988 KEN Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 27/11/2022 3 years ineligibility 12/02/2026 Since 27.11.22 Doping Presence
Salbutamol greater than the Decision Limit (The concentration level in the Sample is 2.64 µg/mL) &Trimetazidine In competiton test, in KEN
JOHNSON, Joel 08/08/2000 BAH Athlete M Sprints (400m or less) 26/03/2024 4 years ineligibility 22/04/2028 Since 26.03.24 Doping Presence
stanozolol, metenolone Out-of-competition test, in BAH
PROKOFIEVA, Yevheniia 05/06/1995 UKR Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 22/04/2024 3 years ineligibility 06/06/2027 Since 22.04.24 Doping Presence
erythropoietin (EPO) Out-of-competition test, in UKR
ROZI. 04/10/2001 IND Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 30/12/2023 3 years ineligibility 27/05/2027 Since 30.12.23 Doping Presence
Exogenous Steroids after IRMS (Testosterone, 5αAdiol, Androsterone, 5βAdiol, Etiocholanolone) In competiton test, at Delhi State Cross Country Championship 2023-24, Delhi, IND
OQAYBI, Khalid Essa 04/05/1990 KSA Athlete M High Jump Jumps 06/11/2022 4 years ineligibility 16/12/2026 Since 06.11.22 Doping Presence
amfetamine In competiton test, in KSA
BENFARES, Sara 27/05/2001 GER Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 30/09/2023 5 years ineligibility 22/01/2029 Since 30.09.23 Doping Presence
SARMS enobosarm (ostarine), erythropoietin (EPO), SARMS enobosarm (ostarine) Out-of-competition test, in GER
ALLAM, Taoufik 30/04/1989 MAR Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 21/04/2024 3 years ineligibility 15/08/2027 Since 21.04.24 Doping Presence
EPO In competiton test, in Enschede Marathon, Enschede, NED
IUSCO, Florentina Costina 08/04/1996 ROU Athlete F Sprints (400m or less) 23/04/2023 2 years ineligibility 31/01/2026 Since 23.04.23 Doping Presence
Furosemide Out-of-competition test, in ROU
MAWIA, Lucy 22/12/1998 KEN Athlete F Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 10/03/2024 3 years ineligibility 27/03/2027 Since 10.03.24 Doping Presence
methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta (CERA) In competiton test, at Italian Cross Country Championships, Cassino - XC 8.0km, ITA
VEERARAGAVENDRAN, S. 12/12/1999 IND Athlete M Jumps 10/08/2024 3 years ineligibility 11/09/2027 Since 10.08.24 Doping Presence
19-norandrosterone In competiton test, at 89th All India Railway Athletics Championship, Raebareily, IND
BENFARES, Sofia 30/07/2004 GER Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 11/01/2024 4 years ineligibility 25/02/2028 Since 11.01.24 Doping Presence
erythropoietin (EPO) Out-of-competition test, in GER
NGU, Xia Jia 22/09/2000 MAS Athlete F High Jump Jumps 12/02/2023 2 years ineligibility 01/06/2025 Since 12.02.23 Doping Presence
sibutramine In competiton test, in MAS
SEOPOSENGWE, Nicholas 26/06/2001 RSA Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 08/05/2024 5 years ineligibility 26/08/2029 Since 08.05.24 Doping Presence
erythropoietin (EPO )& Trenbolone Out-of-competition test, in RSA
TOMASHOVA, Tatyana -- RUS Athlete F Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 21/06/2012 10 years ineligibility 02/09/2034 Since 21.06.12-03.01.15 Doping Use (LIMS & McLaren evidence) 2nd ADRV (LIMS & McLaren evidence)
RAJESH. 01/05/2005 IND Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 14/05/2024 3 years ineligibility 03/07/2027 Since 14.05.24 Doping Presence
erythropoietin (EPO) In competiton test, at 27th National Federation Senior Athletics Competition, Kalinga Stadium, Bhubaneshwar, IND
KHANDURI, Amit 06/09/1997 IND Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 30/12/2023 3 years ineligibility 10/07/2027 Since 30.12.23 Doping Presence
erythropoietin (EPO) Delhi State Cross Country Championship, Delhi, IND
SCHEPPAN, Marie 20/04/2001 GER Athlete F Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 16/10/2022 2 years ineligibility 02/01/2025 Since 16.10.22 Doping Whereabouts Failures 3 Whereabouts Failures within 12 months 3 Whereabouts Failures within 12 months
Amena, Aberash Mutala 24/09/1993 ETH Athlete F Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 21/07/2024 3 years ineligibility 13/10/2027 Since 21.07.24 Doping Presence
Exogenous Steroids after IRMS ( Testosterone, Etiocholanolone, Androsterone,5aAdiol, 5bAdiol) In competiton test, at Amazing Thailand Pattaya Half Marathon Presented by MAMA, Pattaya, THA
TESHOME, Besha 20/01/1989 ETH Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 18/09/2022 3 years ineligibility 15/01/2026 Since 18.09.22 Doping Presence
Exogenous Steroids after IRMS (Testosterone, 5αAdiol, 5βAdiol, Androsterone, Etiocholanolone) In competiton test, at Bangsaen10, Chon Buri, THA
FARMAN, Ali 06/08/2001 IND Athlete M Race Walk 30/10/2023 2 years ineligibility 28/01/2026 Since 30.10.23 Doping Presence
morphine In competiton test, at 37th National Games Goa 2023, Goa, IND
CIANO, Juan Diego 02/12/1993 ARG Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 20/12/2020 3 years & 8 months ineligibility and 4 years added to original sanction 03/04/2029 Since 20.12.20 Doping Presence
Exogeneous Steroids after IRMS (Testosterone, 5aAdiol and 5bAdiol) & Violation of the Prohibition of Participation During Ineligibility In competiton test, Argentinian Ch., Estadio Municipal Jorge Newbery, Rosario, ARG
DEVI, Shakuntala 01/01/2004 IND Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 30/12/2023 3 years ineligibility 05/02/2027 Since 30.12.2023 Doping Presence
19-norandrosterone In competiton test, at Delhi State Cross Country Championship 2023, Delhi, IND
JEPCHIRCHIR, Sophy 15/11/1993 KEN Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 07/04/2024 3 years ineligibility 06/06/2027 Since 07.04.24 Doping Presence
Exogenous Steroids after IRMS (Testosterone, 5αAdiol, Androsterone, 5βAdiol, Etiocholanolone) In competiton test, at Milano Marathon, Milano, ITA
RODRIGUEZ, Jose Eduardo 30/12/1997 MEX Athlete M Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 19/05/2024 3 years ineligibility 30/06/2027 Since 19.05.24 Doping Presence
boldenone In competiton test, at Grande Prémio Brasil de Atletismo-Niteró, Rio de Janeiro, BRA
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