Global List of Ineligible Persons

The Athletics Integrity Unit has jurisdiction over International-Level Athletes and their Athlete Support Persons, World Athletics Officials and Member Federation Officials (limited to their dealings with World Athletics). On this page we publish a consolidated list of all persons serving a period of ineligibility in Athletics. This includes persons serving a period of ineligibility as a result of national level cases and decisions.

Latest sanctions for Doping and Non-Doping Violations


Complete list of sanctions for Doping and Non-Doping Violations*


*The list of currently suspended persons was last updated on 1 February 2025. Please note that it is intended for information only and should not be relied upon from a legal perspective.

Show all Doping Non-Doping
Name Date of Birth Nationality Role Sex Discipline 1 Discipline 2 Infraction Date Sanction Ineligibile Until Disqualification Period Infraction Type ADRV Rules ADRV Notes Description
PORTUGALOV, Sergei Nikolaevich -- Athlete M Athlete Support Personnel 10/03/2017 Lifetime ban Lifetime ban Doping Possession
Administration or Attempted Administration to any Athleteof a Prohibited Substance/ or Method, Trafficking or Attempted Trafficking in any Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method, Possession of a Prohibited Substance or a Prohibited Method Possession of a Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method, Trafficking or Attempted Trafficking in any Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method, Administration or Attempted Administration of a Prohibited Substance or a Prohibited Method
BELL, Kenta 16/03/1977 AFG Athlete M Athlete Support Personnel 01/07/2015 Lifetime Ban Lifetime ban Doping Possession
Administration, Trafficking, Possession and Complicity Administration, Trafficking , Possession, Complicity
BOUCHACHE, Issam 19/02/1991 ALG Athlete M Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 12/03/2022 3 years ineligibility 26/04/2025 Since 12.03.22 Doping Presence
Meldonium In competition test, ALG
Bruno, Federico 18/06/1993 ARG Athlete M Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 12/10/2022 6 years ineligibility 17/07/2029 Since 12.10.22 Doping Presence EPO In competiton test, at South American Games, Asunción, PAR
MARCHISIO, Silvana 19/07/1979 ARG Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 25/06/2023 4 years ineligibility 31/08/2027 Since 25.06.23 Doping Presence
betamethasone, clenbuterol In competiton test, at EC - LONG DISTANCE FEM 2, ARG
CIANO, Juan Diego 02/12/1993 ARG Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 20/12/2020 3 years & 8 months ineligibility and 4 years added to original sanction 03/04/2029 Since 20.12.20 Doping Presence
Exogeneous Steroids after IRMS (Testosterone, 5aAdiol and 5bAdiol) & Violation of the Prohibition of Participation During Ineligibility In competiton test, Argentinian Ch., Estadio Municipal Jorge Newbery, Rosario, ARG
VILETTO, Luisina 29/07/1979 ARG Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 25/06/2023 2 years ineligibility 25/04/2026 Since 25.06.23 Doping Presence
dexamethasone In competiton test, at 10K Ciudad de Rosario, Rosario
BRUNO, Federico 18/06/1993 ARG Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 25/04/2023 4 years ineligibility 06/09/2027 Since 25.04.23 Doping Presence
EPO Out-of-competition test, in ARG
NIEDEREDER, Elisabeth 03/10/1985 AUT Athlete F Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 10/05/2015 4 years ineligibility 30/05/2025 Since 10.05.15 Doping Use
Posession & Use of EPO, Genotropin /Omnitropin & Testosterone Possession of a Prohibited Substance, Use of a Prohibited Substance
KÖPPER (KOPPER), Cornelia 06/05/1982 AUT Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 12/10/2014 10 years ineligibility 10/12/2030 Since 12.10.14 Doping Use
Use, Possession, Trafficking, Complicity Out-of-competition test
LICHTENEGGER, Elmar 25/05/1974 AUT Athlete M 110m Hurdles Sprints (400m or less) 20/11/2007 Lifetime ban (2nd ADRV) Lifetime ban Since 20.11.07 Doping Presence
Norandrosterone Out of competition test
JOHNSON, Joel 08/08/2000 BAH Athlete M Sprints (400m or less) 26/03/2024 4 years ineligibility 22/04/2028 Since 26.03.24 Doping Presence
stanozolol, metenolone Out-of-competition test, in BAH
BOUCHIKHI, Soufiane 22/03/1990 BEL Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 18/09/2023 2 years ineligibility 24/01/2026 Since 19.09.23 Doping Refusing to Submit to Sample collection Refusing to Submit to Sample collection
KARNEYENKA, Katsiaryna 17/03/1988 BLR Athlete F Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 28/02/2019 4 years ineligibility 25/07/2025 Since 28.02.19 Doping Use AthleteBiological Passport Out-of-competition test
MISOUSKI, Ilya 20/01/2003 BLR Athlete M Shot Put Throws -- 4 years ineligibility 08/11/2025 Since 27.09.21 Doping Presence
Oxandrolone Out-of-competition test
LAUNIKEVICH, Nadzeya 28/10/2005 BLR Athlete F Javelin Throws 29/04/2022 4 years ineligibility 13/06/2026 Since 29.04.22 Doping Presence
Hydrochlorothiazide In competiton test, in Brest, BLR
KAROL, Yuliya 26/06/1991 BLR Athlete F Middle Distance (800m-1500m) 19/05/2021 4 years ineligibility 29/06/2025 Since 19.05.21 Doping Presence
GW1516 Out-of-competition test
MALYSHCHYK, Hanna -- BLR Athlete F Hammer Throws -- 2 years ineligibility 08/08/2025 Since 09.02.23 Doping Presence
canrenone Out-of-competition test in BLR
KARPUK, Dzmitry 05/11/1999 BLR Athlete M Shot Put Throws 06/04/2023 2 years ineligibility 29/08/2025 Since 06.04.23 Doping Whereabouts Failures 3 Whereabouts Failures within 12 months 3 Whereabouts Failures within 12 months
HNIADZKO (HNEDZKO), Katiaryna (Katsiaryna) 21/06/1999 BLR Athlete F Race Walk 03/10/2020 4 years ineligibility 11/02/2025 Since 03.10.20 Doping Presence
LGD-4033 (ligandrol) In competition test, Belarusian Race Walking Championship, Grodno, BLR
LOHISH, Artsiom 01/11/1990 BLR Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 02/08/2024 3 years ineligibility 29/08/2027 Since 02.08.24 Doping Presence
meldonium In competiton test, at Belarus National Cup, Brest, BLR
VARANTSOU, Andrei 24/07/1975 BLR Athlete M Hammer Throws 09/10/2013 Lifetime ban Lifetime ban Since and including that of 09.10.13 Doping Presence
Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone Out of competition test
MIKHNEVICH, Andrei 12/07/1976 BLR Athlete M Shot Put Throws 06/08/2005 Lifetime ban Lifetime ban Since 06-08-05 Doping Presence
Clenbuterol, Methandienone & Oxandrolone Shot Put, IAAF World Athletics Championships, Helsinki FIN
BALTAZAR, Helen Daniela 08/09/1993 BOL Athlete F Long Distance (3000m+) 07/04/2024 5 years ineligibility 12/05/2029 Since 07.04.24 Doping Presence
oxandrolone, stanozolol In competiton test, at 28ª Maratona International de São Paulo, São Paulo, BRA
TSOTETSI, Tebogo 16/04/1970 BOT Athlete M Long Distance (3000m+) 18/02/2023 20 months ineligibility 15/04/2025 Since 18.02.23 Doping Presence
salbutamol greater than the Decision Limit In competiton test, at the Sasol Secunda Marathon, RSA
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