At the Athletics Integrity Unit, we believe that a fair and robust process is as important as the end result. Our team is dedicated to identifying and acting against doping violations, and to conducting investigative work that allows us to pursue non-doping violations. We hope you enjoy nurturing your knowledge on the important work of the Athletics Integrity Unit. 

  • About the Athletics Integrity Unit Leaflet

    Use this leaflet to help explain the range of issues that the Athletics Integrity Unit deals with and what it's main activities are.

  • Make A Report Leaflet

    Print out this leaflet to help attendees at your event understand more about how they can anomalously report any form of misconduct in the sport of athletics.

  • All About Whereabouts Leaflet

    Designed to be printed double-sided and folded as a handy guide, this leaflet contains must-know tips for all Registered Testing Pool (RTP) athletes.

  • Anti-Doping Advice Guide

    Use this handy Anti-Doping Advice Guide to help you stay of track and keep drug free. Just print it double sided and fold along the dotted lines for a pocket sized guide that is packed full of advice.

  • Help Us Spread The Word Poster

    Print out this poster to help spread word against doping and non-doping violations at your event.

  • The Athletes’ Integrity Pledge

    Read and sign up to the pledge so that together we can make it utterly clear that cheating and dishonesty are not welcome in the sport of athletics.

  • In-Competition Testing

    Any athlete can be selected for in-competition testing. Learn what to expect about the testing process at competitions.

  • In competition testing - Know your rights

    Learn more about your rights and what to expect during the in-competition testing process.

  • Out-of-Competition Testing

    Even if you are not in a Registered Testing Pool, as an athlete you can still be required for out-of-competition testing. Understand more about the importance of out-of-competition testing, and what to expect.

  • Urine Sample Collection Procedure

    Learn when and how we test urine, and what happens next.

  • Blood Sample Collection Procedure

    Learn when and how we test blood, and what happens next.

  • Filling in the forms

    Recognise the various doping control forms, and how to complete them.
